Slither Link

Oversett denne siden.

Many thanks for the translation to Sondre A. B. Paulsen

Slither Link (også kjent som Fences og Loop the Loop) er logiske oppgaver med lette regler og krevende løsninger.

Reglene er enkle.
Du skal trekke en sammenhengende linje mellom prikkene uten kryss eller forgreninger. Numrene indikerer hvor mange linjer som omringer det.
Venstre-klikk for å koble prikkene sammen. Høyre-klikk for å markere med X.

Skjul reglene


Slither Link

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  • The ads will disappear. The site will load faster as a result.
  • You will be able to go back 30 daily, 10 weekly and 5 monthly special puzzles.
  • A tempting "Give Up" button will appear, which will test your resistance, and eventually show the puzzle solution if you happen to click on it.
  • Some personal statistics and charts (under construction)
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Minimum contribution: Monthly: $1; Annual: $10

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2024-07-27 07:06:33
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